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        Verb: know (knew,known)  now
        1. Be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information; possess knowledge or information about
          "I know that the President lied to the people"; "I want to know who is winning the game!"; "I know it's time";
          - cognize, cognise [Brit]
        2. Be aware of how to do or perform something
          "She knows how to knit"; "Does your husband know how to cook?"
        3. Be aware of the truth of something; have a belief or faith in something; regard as true beyond any doubt
          "I know that I left the key on the table"; "Galileo knew that the earth moves around the sun"
        4. Be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object
          "She doesn't know this composer"; "Do you know my sister?"; "We know this movie"; "I know him under a different name"
        5. Have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations
          "I know the feeling!";
          - experience, live
        6. Accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority
          - acknowledge, recognize, recognise [Brit]
        7. Have fixed in the mind
          "I know Latin"; "This student knows her irregular verbs"; "Do you know the poem well enough to recite it?"
        8. Know the nature or character of
          "we all knew her as a big show-off"
        9. Be able to distinguish, recognize as being different
          "The child knows right from wrong"
        10. Perceive as familiar
          "I know this voice!"
        11. [archaic] Have sexual intercourse
          "Adam knew Eve";
          - sleep together, love, make love, sleep with, have sex, do it [informal], be intimate, have intercourse, lie with [archaic], bed [informal], get it on
        Noun: know  now
        1. The fact of being aware of information that is known to few people
          "he is always in the know"

        Sounds like: knout, nkno

        Derived forms: known, knew, knowing, knows

        Type of: accept, agnise [Brit, archaic], agnize [archaic], call back, call up, copulate, couple, differentiate, distinguish, experience, go through, knowing, mate, pair, realise [Brit], realize, recall, recognise [Brit], recognize, recollect, remember, retrieve, secern [rare], secernate, see, separate, severalise [Brit], severalize, tell, tell apart, think

        Antonym: ignore

        Encyclopedia: Know

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