1954Them! Photos
Movie Info

as Ben Peterson

as Dr. Harold Medford

as Dr. Patricia Medford

as Robert Graham

as Brig. Gen. O'Brien

as Maj. Kibbee

as Off. Ed Blackburn

as Little Girl

as Mrs. Lodge

as Captain of Troopers

as Crotty

as Jensen

as Ambulance Attendant

as Sergeant

as Watchman

as Psychiatrist

as Dixon

as Jerry

as Mike

as Ben's Driver

as Lab Man

as Pilot

as Gramps

as Coroner Putnam

as Airman

as Attendant

as General

as Admiral

as Dr. Grant


as Cop

as Coroner

as Sutton

as Ryan

as Matron

as MP Sergeant

as Engineer

as Loader

as Gunner

as Senator

as Soldier

as Radio Operator

as Army Officer

as Doctor

as Doctor

as Official

as Official

as Inmate

as Inmate

as Officer

as Officer

as Reporter

as Reporter

as Jeep Driver

as Jeep Driver

as Washington Official

as Reporter

as Bald Reporter
News & Interviews for Them!
Critic Reviews for Them!
All Critics (27) | Top Critics (4) | Fresh (27)
This science-fiction shocker has a well-plotted story [by George Worthington Yates, adapted by Russell Hughes], expertly directed and acted in a matter-of-fact style.
May 29, 2007 | Full Review… -
Definitely a chiller.
October 31, 2006 | Rating: 4.5/5 | Full Review… -
By far the best of the '50s cycle of 'creature features.'
June 24, 2006 | Full Review… -
Decently budgeted and atmospheric, it's a sober accomplishment in a cycle that would quickly turn to self-parody.
January 1, 2000 | Full Review… -
A strong cast (James Whitmore, James Arness and Edmund Gwenn), taut direction by Gordon Douglas, an intelligent and involving screenplay, and Oscar-nominated visual effects combine to make this a genuine classic.
November 4, 2015 | Rating: 3.5/4 | Full Review… -
Easily the best of the giant insect movies... exploring the subject with the full gravity of its horror.
May 18, 2014 | Rating: 8/10 | Full Review…
Audience Reviews for Them!
- Sep 15, 2015This movie was supposedly the first to ignite the giant bug subgenre, the first of the nuclear monster movies, the age of atomic monsters . Being released in the same year as the epic Japanese 'Godzilla' you could say this was the western/American equivalent of that iconic movie. Now, of course, the big question is which movie inspired the other? or did that even happen? The plots are virtually the same accept for the main creature/s dishing out the destruction, coincidence? Maybe it was just the simple coincidence of people both east and west suffering from the fear of nuclear technology, America with the Cold War era and Japan with WWII.The plot is pretty predictable to anyone with basic movie knowledge. In the New Mexico desert people have been found dead (or just not found at all) and their property destroyed, the only clues being some mysterious tracks in the sand. In time various specialists are brought in to try and figure out what's going on, eventually it is revealed that giant ants are nesting in the area as a result of the recent atomic bomb tests. The clock is ticking as the plucky team of specialists (and a beat cop) try to destroy the nest before more ants hatch and any Queens escape, unfortunately they are unable to prevent this which leads us to a climatic battle against the ants as they infest LA.Right! effects, how good are they? well, considering this was the first giant bug movie and it was 1954, they aren't too bad, but not great methinks. Big mechanical puppets were created of the ants that moved ever so slightly, on one hand this worked because it gave a good degree of scope and perspective to the horror facing the humans. On the other hand it obviously looked kinda hokey because the big fuzzy ants didn't look too scary and didn't move too well. Compare these ants to the giant Mantis in that giant Mantis movie, and honesty the ants are nowhere near as creepy if you ask me. One big issue was the eyes, again (like 'The Black Scorpion') for some reason they give the ants big humanoid-ish eyes which gave the bugs emotion (sort of), something you don't really wanna see. The reason why the giant Mantis worked so well was because it was a very faithful recreation of a real Mantis, these ants are along those lines but the eyes spoilt it, plus the large antennas and body hair looked silly (something that couldn't be helped I guess).As per usual there are all the predictable stereotypes galore here, but we must remember that this was the first time using them...kinda. So, what do I mean by that anyway, well the lead is a handsome bloke, his sidekick is an attractive female, there are of course a few other males leads, military types and such, and lastly we have the good old crusty scientist gent. The type of character that looks and sounds like he's just stepped off a Hammer Horror set. All of which put in solid performances, nothing outstanding, but solid, although you can tell Edmund Gwenn, as the crusty old scientist, had troubles with his lines, you can see he's possibly reading them off a cue card, or just really straining to remember them, bless. One surprise was the small role played a child actress at the start. She barely does much other than scream and act stunned...but she does it bloody well!One thing I did find quite amusing was the character of Sgt. Peterson, the cop who first discovers the mutilated devastation left by the ants in the desert. Now this guy is just a cop right, OK he's a Sarge, but simply a State trooper. So can someone explain to me why and how he manages to accompany everybody from the military to the FBI, on all missions and confidential discussions? I mean yeah sure he witnessed an attack and found the original carnage but why the hell is he still involved by the end of the movie. At one point he's descending down into the ant nest, then he's firing a flippin' bazooka at it! he's just a cop! why would he be doing any of this??!! Its also amazing how despite what is unraveling, its the same handful of people that deal with everything, surely there would be tonnes of top ranking people, officials, military units etc...all involved trying to save LA, not just this trio of a cop, a woman and an FBI agent.Speaking of the ants nest, do I detect an element that was highly inspirational for the James Cameron sci-fi thriller 'Aliens'? Its all very familiar its got to be said, the dark tunnels, the decaying ant bodies strewn around, the characters only lit up by torch light, flamethrowers, and then of course the discovery of the egg chamber, some hatched etc...The same could be said for the LA sewer tunnel sequences at the end too. Could be a long shot but it definitely seems possible that this movie might have influenced future sci-fi horrors. Said LA sewer sequence is also a bit anti-climatic in my opinion, it doesn't really have the eerie atmosphere of being out in the sticks somewhere, plus the ants don't really blend into those surroundings too well, they look too obvious as big puppets.It also really amuses me how bullets, bombs and sometimes even rockets don't affect these creatures. OK they are huge bugs and we know many bugs have armour protection, but would they really be impervious to bullets?? Would a giant tarantula be unstoppable against bullets? would a giant ant be unstoppable? surely a bullet from a gun (especially a machine gun) would have a great deal of affect and cause death after time. Plus wouldn't the creatures eyes be an ideal target, you never see the characters shoot the bugs eyes no matter how big and obvious they are. Again surely that would down the bug instantly.Anyway the movie is a great example of the subgenre and probably one of the best on offer. I still think 'Tarantula' is probably the epitome of the giant bug horror flicks with terrific effects and a genuinely scary giant arachnid. This movie is probably the acorn that major blockbusters grew out of over time though, the way the movie plays out, the scenarios, the way its shot, the action etc...definitely a one-off back in the 50's. Its just a shame the films title is so damn stupid and cheesy, although I liked the use of colour for the opening title sequence in bold red and blue, it almost looks 3D.'When Man entered the atomic age, he opened a door into a new world. What we'll eventually find in that new world, nobody can predict.'Phil H Super Reviewer
- Aug 02, 2013Them! is one of the earliest and by far the best monster films of the atomic age. I couldn't possibly sum it up as well as the consensus, the acting was great, script was fantastic at building suspense without showing any campiness. Them! relied more on story line then silly monster designs unlike all the kitsch that followed it and try to rip off people. Them! is definitely a classic and a must see.Sylvester K Super Reviewer
- Nov 29, 2012Fantastic 50s science fiction film depicting the true, unthought-out terrors of the nuclear war.Sophie B Super Reviewer
- Oct 05, 2012Them! Is one of the classic horror films of the 50's. Films like this are a must see for horror fans everywhere as this is a flawless monster film that has a lot to offer to the genre. In the 50ès there were countless monster flicks that came out, and all of them brought something unique to the table. These films make look dated by today's standards, but man are they fun. The over the top story is what makes this picture so good. I mean killer giant ants, just what a cool concept for a film. Gordon Douglas is a great director and he directs a strong cast here that all bring something to the screen. The plot keeps you entertained from start to finish. This is the perfect film to watch if you love monster movies. Classic Sci Fi horror doesn't get any better than this. I really enjoyed this film, and the sheer originality of the movie's concept is what makes this one such a timeless classic. Them! Is a perfect film to watch during the Halloween season, and it definitely delivers something that horror fans will certainly cherish. Nowadays they don't make films like this anymore and despite its cheesy looking special effects, this film still stands the test of time because of its cast, well written script and the sheer entertainment value it offers the viewer. This is among the best monster flicks that I've seen, and like others in the era, it has stood the test of time as a terrific, original and highly entertaining nearly sixty years after it was released.Alex r Super Reviewer
Them! Quotes
Coroner: | Gramps could have died any one of five ways. His neck and back were broken, his skull was fractured, his chest was crushed... and hereâ??s one for Sherlock Holmes. There was enough formic acid in his body to kill twenty men.â?? |
Coroner: | Gramps could have died any one of five ways. His neck and back were broken, his skull was fractured, his chest was crushed... and here's one for Sherlock Holmes. There was enough formic acid in his body to kill twenty men. |
Robert Graham: | [the nest has been saturated with cyanide] Boy, if I can still raise an arm when we get out of this place, I'm gonna show you just how saturated *I* can get. |
Robert Graham: | Pat, if these monsters got started as a result of the first atomic bomb in 1945, what about all the others that have been exploded since then? |
Dr. Patricia Medford: | I don't know. |
Dr. Harold Medford: | Nobody knows, Robert. When Man entered the atomic age, he opened a door into a new world. What will he eventually find in that world, nobody can predict. |
Jensen: | Make me a sergeant, in charge of the booze! Make me a sergeant, in charge of the booze! |