French translation of 'some'
1. (= a certain amount) du ⧫ de la
Would you like some bread? Voulez-vous du pain ?
Would you like some beer? Voulez-vous de la bière ?
Have you got some mineral water? Avez-vous de l’eau minérale ?
some tea du thé
some ice cream de la glace
some water de l’eau
2. (= a certain number of) des
I’ve got some Blur albums. J’ai des albums de Blur.
some children des enfants
some apples des pommes
3. (= certain) certain(e)
Some people say that ... Certaines personnes disent que ...
Some films were excellent, but most ... Certains films étaient excellents, mais la plupart ...
4. (unspecified)
Some woman was asking for you. Une dame a demandé après vous.
He was asking for some book or other. Il demandait un livre quelconque.
in some form or other sous une forme ou une autre ⧫ sous une forme quelconque
5. (= considerable)
in some detail dans le détail
I have discussed this topic in some detail. J’ai abordé ce sujet dans le détail.
at some length assez longuement
after some time après un certain temps
6. (= a small amount or number of)
Isn’t there some chance he’ll lead a normal life? N’y a-t-il pas une chance qu’il mène une vie normale ?
to some extent dans une certaine mesure
only some
I only sold some of them. Je n’en ai vendu que quelques-uns.
I only took some of it. Je n’en ai pris qu’un peu.
7. (informal) (in exclamations)
She’s some woman! C’est une sacrée bonne femme !
That was some party! Ça pour une fête, c’était une fête !
Some help you are! C’est ça que tu appelles de l’aide ?
1. (= an unspecified amount) en
“Would you like some coffee?”— “No thanks, I’ve got some.” « Tu veux du café ? »— « Non merci, j’en ai déjà. »
I’ve got some (money, milk) J’en ai
would you like some? est-ce que vous en voulez ? ⧫ en voulez-vous ?
2. (= an unspecified number) en
I’m going to buy some stamps. Do you want some too? Je vais acheter des timbres. Tu en veux aussi ?
I’ve got some (books, pens, apples) j’en ai
3. (= certain ones, but not all)
Some of them have been sold. Certains ont été vendus.
“Are these mushrooms poisonous?”— “Only some.” « Est-ce que ces champignons sont vénéneux ? »— « Seulement certains. »
4. (= a certain amount, but not all)
When the chicken is cooked, I’ll freeze some. Lorsque le poulet sera cuit, j’en congèlerai.
some 10 people quelque 10 personnes ⧫ 10 personnes environ
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Examples of 'some' in a sentencesome
Example sentences from the Collins Corpus
These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content.Read more…
We set off for his house to see some samples.
We can already see some areas for improvement.
When you find some interest or activity you will have something to share with a partner.
Try an hour on a grand prix horse some time.
The majority of us just learn that some foods are more "fattening" than others.
Some people find this hard to accept.
It was a case of doing anything just to get some money.
See the website for more details and to get some free sample sachets.
There are also some marvellously statuesque perennials for boggy soil.
This is in fact already true of some of them.
Example sentences from Collins dictionaries
Some people wear heels designed to elongate the leg.
some interesting and important research in meteorology and evolutionary biology
We need some sort of interior life if we are to be happy.
to get some relaxation
There will soon be some big changes in our company.
It was clear that she wanted to discuss some private matter.
some mushrooms are poisonous
They have to get involved and get their teeth into some police work.
As I'm here, doctor, I'd like a prescription for some aspirins.
He gave me some rigmarole about the train being late.
Trends ofsome
View usage for:
In other languagessome
British English: some /sʌm; səm/ DETERMINER
You use some to talk about an amount of something.
Can I have some orange juice, please?
- American English: some
- Arabic: بَعْضُ
- Brazilian Portuguese: algum
- Chinese: 一些的
- Croatian: nešto
- Czech: trochu
- Danish: nogle
- Dutch: wat
- European Spanish: unos
- Finnish: joku
- French: quelques
- German: (irgend)ein
- Greek: μερικός
- Italian: un po'
- Japanese: いくらかの
- Korean: 어떤
- Norwegian: litt av en
- Polish: jakieś
- European Portuguese: algum
- Romanian: niște
- Russian: некоторый
- Latin American Spanish: unos
- Swedish: ganska
- Thai: เล็กน้อย
- Turkish: bazı
- Ukrainian: трохи
- Vietnamese: một chút
British English: some /sʌm; səm/ PRONOUN
Some means a quantity of something or a number of people or things.
The apples are ripe and we are going to pick some.
- American English: some
- Arabic: بَعْضُ
- Brazilian Portuguese: alguns
- Chinese: 有些
- Croatian: nešto
- Czech: nějaký
- Danish: nogle
- Dutch: een aantal
- European Spanish: algunos
- Finnish: jotkut
- French: certains
- German: einige
- Greek: κάποιοι
- Italian: alcuni
- Japanese: いくらか
- Korean: 약간
- Norwegian: noen
- Polish: kilku
- European Portuguese: alguns
- Romanian: câțiva
- Russian: кое-кто
- Latin American Spanish: algunos
- Swedish: några
- Thai: บางส่วน
- Turkish: bazı
- Ukrainian: певна кількість
- Vietnamese: một vài người
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Translation of some from theCollins English to French
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